Here's a detailed overview of the MySparklight app:
For Help Logging In/Getting Started Visit our How Do I Get Started with the MySparklight Mobile App.
If you're short on time and just want a quick overview of the new app view A Quick Overview of the MySparklight App.
Home Screen
From the Home screen, you will see your service health (this will show you how your internet service is doing and if any issues are going on), outage information, and modem or billing issues (if any exist). You'll also find the Bill Summary section where you can click View Details to Make a Payment. If you scroll further down, you'll find the My Service section which allows you to view your current plan details as well as run a speed test and review your usage information.
Service Health
The first thing you'll see when you are on the app will be the Service Health gauge.
If your gauge is in the green, you have the optimal level of service.
If you are in the yellow, your internet speed is having issues. Click on the i(next to An issue has been detected) or on Modem Issues Detected to get more info about what could be causing this and how to resolve it.
If you are offline, you'll be in the red. If you are part of an outage, you will see an alert that includes an estimate of when the service will be restored.
Bill Summary shows your amount due and the due date and includes a link to View Details. In the Billing Details section, you can make a payment, manage your paperless options, and set up easy pay.
If you go back to the home screen, you can scroll to the right of the Bill Summary section to find the My Service section.
In My Service, you'll have access to your data speed, usage information, and your plan details.
If you click on Plan Details, you can see what your current plan offers:
From the Data Speed section, you'll see results from your latest speed test, and you'll be able to run a speed test. Simply click on Test Speed to get started. Keep in mind that WiFi speeds on mobile devices are typically lower than wired speeds. For detailed information about speed tests view Can I Run an Internet Speed Test.
The Usage tab shows your usage and has an Upgrade Plan link beneath it to upgrade your internet service.
You can also view your upgrade options by clicking Shop at the bottom. Please note that you can only upgrade your internet service at this time. If you wish you upgrade other services, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
Clicking on Support from the bottom, allows you to view FAQs, use the search option to find related support articles, access the Sparklight Smart Check tool (automated troubleshooting scan), view and manage your equipment, and access our contact information. For more information about the Sparklight Smart Check tool view How Does Automated Troubleshooting On the Mobile App Work.
The Management Equipment section allows you to reboot your modem and provides information on how to exchange your modem. It also provides Quick Links to support for common issues you may need assistance with.
If you scroll down, you will find contact information to reach our team for support.
Selecting Account from the bottom will allow you to view your profile settings, access your password and security settings, update your notification preferences, manage users (if you are the primary account holder), submit feedback, log out from the app, view our privacy policy and terms and conditions, and view what version of our app you have installed.
You can edit your text and email notifications by clicking Notifications.
Editing Text Notifications:
For text and email notifications, click on the button to turn notifications on (green) and off (grayed out).
For more information about text notifications view How Do I Sign Up For Text Alerts?
Editing Email Notifications:
You can edit your paperless billing email preferences. Please note: customers cannot opt out of critical notifications.
User Management:
If you have the Primary Admin role, you can edit, delete, and add users to your account using the User Management section.
There is so much you can do from the new MySparklight app. Feel free to contact our team if you need assistance with the app. The chat option will appear on the app when our support team is available. You can also call our support team 24/7 at 877-692-2253.