Auto Pay is the most convenient and reliable way to pay for your service. Forget writing a check each month, stuffing it in an envelope, paying for postage and hoping it arrives on time. Now you can relax and focus on more pressing matters, secure in the knowledge that your payment will be made automatically - on time, every time. Auto Pay is a safe, simple way to save time, money and frustration. And best of all, it's FREE.
Automatic deduction authorizes payment directly from your checking, savings or credit card account. You will continue to get a statement so you have a record of your charges and payments.
It's simple, to enroll, just click here and sign up online in a few easy steps.
Note: Prepaid cards cannot be used for Auto Pay or credit card storage.
Q. Why can't I choose my Auto Pay date?
A. When enrolling into Auto Pay you will be automatically assigned a payment date based on your billing cycle and bill due date. Unfortunately you will not be able to select a payment date. If you would like to change your due date, the balance on your account must be paid in full. For more information regarding changing your payment date, please contact the Billing Department.
Q.What is the difference between Auto Pay and having a stored Credit Card on file?
A. With Auto Pay, your Sparklight bill is paid automatically each month. A stored credit card is a method to secure an account and will only be charged if your account becomes delinquent.
Q. What happens if my credit card expires?
A. If the credit or debit card you have on file with us for Auto Pay is going to expire you may go online at, sign in and update the expiration date. As long as you provide this information prior to the month the card expires, your monthly bill will continue to be paid via Auto Pay.
Q. How can I be sure that my account has been paid with Auto Pay?
A. You will receive an email confirmation notice that a payment has been made.
Q. How do I update my email address that my Auto Pay confirmation numbers are sent to?
A. Simply follow the below steps to update your email address for Auto Pay confirmation emails.
Step 1: Log in at our Payment Center.
Step 2: Click on Manage Your Bill Pay Account.
Step 3: Select Auto Pay (Recurring Payment)
Step 4: Select your payment method. Click Continue.
Step 4: Choose the account or card that will draft on the due date. Click continue
Step 5: Update the Email address on the Auto Pay verification page.
Step 6: Accept the terms and conditions.
Step 7: Click Confirm
Q. Will the automatic payment ever be different from my monthly statement?
A. In some cases, your monthly automatic withdrawal can be different than your monthly statement. For example, if services are purchased after your statement is printed but before your automatic payment date, the withdrawal amount will include service charges.