Below are commonly asked questions regarding monthly bills. Use the quick links below to jump to the desired FAQ.
- What am I billed for each month?
- How will I be billed each month?
- How do I register for Sparklight's Online Bill Payment?
- Can I view my entire billing statement online?
- How does advance billing work?
- How will I know my payment was successfully processed?
- When is my bill due? Can I change my billing date?
- What if I miss the payment due date or do not pay the full amount?
- When does a prorate of my bill occur?
- What are franchise fees on my bill?
- How do I handle a disagreement with any portion of my bill?
What am I billed for each month?
Internet, Phone and Cable TV services are provided on a month-to-month basis. The prorated monthly service charge, which includes any equipment lease fees and any installation charges, is normally payable either before or when service is installed. After that, we will bill you each month in advance for service. Your bill will include a list of your services, package or special offer discounts, payments, credits and any applicable fees and taxes.
How will I be billed each month?
Every month, Sparklight will send a bill by mail or electronically, whichever option you choose. Payment options include Auto Pay (automatically withdrawn), online payment, pay by phone, in-person payment at one of the approved payment centers, or mail in. Please click HERE for more detailed information and to select payment options.
How do I register for Sparklight's Online Bill Payment?
It is auto to register for Online Bill Pay. Log in or create an account at to make an electronic payment. For help, visit our support article explaining how to Register for an Online Account.
Can I view my entire billing statement online?
Yes, you can! Log into the Sparklight Online Account to view your current billing statement on the Payment Options screen.
Visit this FAQ page to learn how to login to view your current bill, past billing and payment history.
How does advance billing work?
Sparklight bills all customers in advance for monthly standard service charges and back-dated for usage-based charges. Credits or charges for any service changes made during the previous month will be reflected.
How will I know my payment was successfully processed?
Payment amounts will appear in the Online Payment History of your account after a payment is confirmed. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail from Sparklight confirming a payment was made to your account.
In addition, you can sign up for SMS text alerts for confirmation of payment direct to your smartphone. To sign up for text message alerts, visit this FAQ page with detailed instructions.
Visit this FAQ page to learn how to login to view your current bill, past billing and payment history.
Can I change my billing date?
You can change to a billing cycle that best fits your needs. Please note that changing the billing cycle may result in the next bill being slightly higher or lower depending on the timing of the cycle change. Please contact Sparklight Billing Support at 877-692-2253 or via online chat by logging into your account at between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to make changes to your current billing cycle.
Below are the billing cycles you can choose.
For each month:
Billing Cycle 1: ends on the 1st – bill due on the 15th
Billing Cycle 2: ends on the 6th – bill due on the 20th
Billing Cycle 3: ends on the 8th – bill due on the 22nd
Billing Cycle 4: ends on the 11th – bill due on the 25th
Billing Cycle 5: ends on the 14th – bill due on the 28th
Billing Cycle 6: ends on the 16th – bill due on the 30th/2nd
Billing Cycle 7: ends on the 20th – bill due on the 3rd /6th
Billing Cycle 8: ends on the 23rd – bill due on the 6th/9th
Billing Cycle 9: ends on the 27th – bill due on the 10th/13th
When is my bill due?
Payment in full is due to Sparklight by the ''Due By'' date indicated on your statement. If full payment is not received by this date, your bill will become past due and may be subject to additional fees such as late payment charges, reactivation fees, returned check fees, or subject to disconnection of service.
Visit this FAQ page to learn how to login to view your current bill, past billing statements and payment history.
What if I miss the payment due date or do not pay the full amount?
Missing a payment will subject your account to late, reconnect or termination fees as well as disabling and/or disconnecting of all services. Please call Sparklight Billing Support at 877-692-2253 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, to discuss late or missed payment options.
When does a prorate of my bill occur?
A prorated charge occurs when you add or remove a service before your billing cycle ends. It reflects the length of time you use Sparklight services. For example, if a service is added in the middle of the month, you are only charged for the number of days the service was used. Check the detail section of your statement to see the date ranges for these charges and/or credits.
Visit this FAQ page to learn how to login to view your current bill, billing, and payment history.
What are the franchise fees on my bill?
Sparklight is required to pay Franchise Fees to provide cable TV services in your area. These charges are detailed as a separate line item on your bill. The fee calculation is regulated by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and federal law. Standard city, county or state taxes vary by location. The tax amount may change and is based on your service and equipment. The FCC tax is paid to the Federal Communications Commission.
How do I handle a disagreement with any portion of my bill?
If you disagree or have questions about any portion of your bill, immediately contact Sparklight to discuss your concerns. Please contact at 877-692-2253, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Note: If you have joined Sparklight from CableAmerica, Fidelity, Hargray or ValuNet, please be aware that select Sparklight tools may not yet be fully integrated for your account. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you we are working diligently to continuously update our systems in order to provide you with the best experience possible. For all account or service information, please contact our customer support team at 877-692-2253. Thank you for your understanding.