Once you log in to your Sparklight Online Account, click the down arrow next to your name on the top right. Then click on 'Profile Settings.'
Scroll down to the 'Text Message Notifications' section and click the pencil/edit icon.
You can change the Mobile Phone on file by adding the new number you'd like to use and clicking 'Save.' During this process, you can opt in or out of the available text alerts.
Note: If you have joined Sparklight from CableAmerica, Fidelity, Hargray or ValuNet, please be aware that select Sparklight tools may not yet be fully integrated for your account. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you we are working diligently to continuously update our systems in order to provide you with the best experience possible. For all account or service information, please contact our customer support team at 877-692-2253. Thank you for your understanding.